CRWDP E-Alert February – April, 2017 Communications Activities We are working towards making our website a more useful resource for CRWDP members and those who are interested in research on work disability policy. I. Mobilizing Knowledge button was added to home menu, to promote past and present knowledge mobilization activities, including CRWDP Ontario Cluster Policy Pods, the initiative to develop a Canadian Standard for Work Disability Prevention Management, community initiatives such as Community Conversations TV Show by Steve Mantis II. Our Library page was updated to include relevant publications authored by CRWDP members. Publications on this page are organized by topics and by open access and subscription based publications. Click here to access this page. If you’d like to add your publication to the list, contact Kathy Padkapayeva III. Work is underway to make all pages accessible from the home menu on the French version of the website IV. We are planning to add lay summaries to seed grant reports and other studies available from our New Studies page. It will help to make results of the studies more accessible to CRWDP members and to the public V. We have a web calendar of events at Help us keep CRWDP calendar up-to-date by forwarding the information about relevant events and activities to your Cluster Coordinator or to Kathy Padkapayeva VI. To see your news/event in the next e-alert, submit the details to Kathy Padkapayeva VII. NEW: Follow us on LinkedIn: Operations Activities I. We would like to thank Piotr Majkowski for his service as CRWDP Provincial Coordinator for British Columbia.  Piotr made significant contributions to building the CRWDP trainee and partner community in BC during his job tenure and is transitioning from the Coordinator role to focus on the completion of his MPH degree at Simon Fraser University under the supervision of Dr. John Calvert II. Rachael Dempsey is the new CRWDP Provincial Coordinator for Ontario. She is a Research Coordinator at York University. She has worked with Marcia Rioux on disability rights work for two years, in particular on the AWARE project, which looks at barriers to employment for people with disabilities in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. In the context of the work with Marcia, she also has experience working on some aspects of the CRWDP and the Ontario cluster. She is looking forward to building on that experience and collaborating with you all to move forward this important work III. Marie-Ève Schmouth is the new CRWDP Provincial Coordinator for Quebec. She is a Research Coordinator at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS). Her research examines social rehabilitation of people with disabilities, specifically, the factors that can hinder or facilitate important aspects of social functioning, such as communicating, studying, working, traveling, leisure and sport activities, and raising a family IV. CRWDP Ontario Cluster Policy Pod Employers’ Capacity held a second meeting on April 26. We had a fruitful discussion to further develop the action plan and strategize the ways in which we can move research into action Earlier Ontario Cluster Policy Pod meetings were held as follows: * Employers’ Capacity Policy Pod: Feb 7, 2017 * Income Replacement Policy Pod: Mar 21, 2017 * Monitoring and Reporting on Human Rights in Employment Policy Pod: Feb 27, 2017 V. Memorial’s Disability Inclusion Group (DIG-MUN) Meeting will be held at Memorial University on May 18. VI. Partnership Grants Midterm Report was submitted to our funder on May 1, 2017. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the preparation of the report. We are expecting to have the results of the midterm review by mid-June Students and New Researchers News I. CRWDP Graduate Student Stipend Opportunity at Memorial University. Click here to see the details II. Dr. Sally Kimpson is a new Post-doctoral Fellow with the BC CRWDP Cluster.  Dr. Kimpson graduated from the Interdisciplinary PhD program in Nursing and Curriculum Studies, University of Victoria where her research focused on disabled women on income support.   She will continue to do research in the field of disability, income supports and gender, with a focus on disabled nurses III. CRWDP stipends have been awarded to the following students: * Andrea Jones (Koehoorn, UBC), PhD, Renewal * Rodrigo Finkelstein (Calvert, SFU), PhD, Renewal * Regina Belloso (Calvert, SFU), PhD, New * Young Jung (Tompa, McMaster), PhD, New Earlier stipend awards are listed in CRWDP E-Alert Nov, 2016 – Jan, 2017. Participants and Partners News I. In 2016, CRWDP held a special call seed grant competition. The competition was open to all CRWDP participants and partners. We funded 4 applications for a total funding envelope of approximately $40,000. Following are highlights of funded proposals: * Bornstein, S. (PI), Hawkins, K., Neis, B., Ricciardelli, R., Christy, E., and Tobin, S. With partner New Brunswick Premier’s Council on the Status of Disabled Persons. "Mapping eligibility criteria of work disability programs and identifying “red flags” for employment of selected disability populations in Newfoundland & Labrador and New Brunswick" * Boucher, N. (PI), Laberge, M., and Arentsen, M.F., en partenariat avec l’Alliance québécoise des regroupements d’association de personnes handicapées (AQRIPH). "Travail, politiques et handicap. Analyse comparative des politiques en soutien à la transition et à l'intégration au travail des personnes ayant des incapacités au Québec et au Manitoba" ” (“Work, politics and disability. Comparative analysis of policies supporting the transition and work integration of persons with disabilities in Quebec and Manitoba”) * Calvert, J. (PI), and Koehoorn, M. "Mapping Work Disability Benefits in British Columbia and Alberta" * Gewurtz, R. (PI), Crawford, C., Lahey, P., Premji, S., Porch, W., King, A., Hearns Petican, J-A., McKinnon, J., and Waxman, D. "Mapping Work Disability Policy in Ontario and Nova Scotia: Documenting the work and benefit trajectories of those living with work-limiting disabilities" II. Sherry Torjman completed a policy study to describe the concept of the welfare wall and to explore its application to persons with disabilities. The report and the report summary are available at New Studies webpage: Knowledge Mobilization Highlights I. DRPI AWARE led by Marcia Rioux has won an award from Zero Project. Zero Project is a worldwide organization that finds and shares models that improve the daily lives and legal rights of all persons with disabilities. II. Andrea Jones (CRWDP PhD trainee, University of British Columbia), along with Rodrigo Finkelstein (CRWDP PhD trainee, Simon Fraser University) as co-author, won a student award for best Lightening presentation for their joint work on 'Disability and workplace harassment and discrimination among Canadian federal public service employees'  at the Occupational and Environmental Health Symposium in Semiahmoo, Washington, Jan 5th, 2017.   This work was initiated as part of the BC trainee cluster intended to bring students together across educational institutions to do research on work disability issues using Statistics Canada data as part of the CRWDP mandate Events I. Bancroft Institute held a Research and Action Workshop (Feb 9-10, 2017) “Measuring Return to Work”. Keynote speaker: Ellen MacEachen. Presentations were recorded and will be made available as podcasts II. On Feb 28, 2017 Aleksandra Stefanovic-Chafe, a CRWDP student fellow, gave a lecture on the topic “Is miscarriage a disability?”, organized by Gender, Sexuality, and Health Research Exchange Group, Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research. III. On March 30, 2017, ESDC’s Office for Disability Issues hosted the webinar “Long-Term System Transformation to Enhance the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities” with Kathy Martin and Susan Scott-Parker. Contact Kathy Padkapayeva for a copy of the recording IV. Two Congress 2017 open events are taking place on May 29th at Ryerson University: * Managing Large-scale Partnership Projects, is being hosted by SSHRC * The second session, Putting research to work: Knowledge sharing in an international, interdisciplinary project, is being hosted by York University V. Safe, Healthy, and Productive Workplaces: Learning from Research and Practice conference on June 1-3, 2017 in Vancouver. CRWDP is a participating organization in the event. We are pleased to announce that Live Broadcast Online Streaming is now available for those unable to attend in person. The virtual broadcast of the conference will be offered live June 1-3 2017 in Pacific Time (PDT). All CRWDP members are eligible for Member Rates. Select Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy as a participating organization to qualify. Time zone conflict? No Problem! You will be able to access all recorded sessions you have purchased at your own convenience post conference. Registration Live Broadcast (You can join the conference for the 2.5 days, or select 1 day, or morning or afternoon sessions, or half morning or afternoon sessions.) Other Opportunities CRWDP researchers at IWH Dr. Dwayne Van Eerd and Dr. Kimberley Cullen have received funding from WorkSafeBC to conduct a survey about the practices workplaces use to help employees who have/had experience with depression. They want to hear about these practices from both managers and employees. This will help bring together the research evidence along with the best practices to create free resources for workplaces. Click here to find more about this study and to take the survey. 481 University Avenue, Suite 800 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E9 T: 416-927-2027