CRWDP E-Alert May – August, 2017 The text version does not include the links to some of the webpages, as these links are very lengthy. All links are included in the PDF version. Contact Kathy at for more information or if you have any questions. Upcoming Events I. Registration for the National Conference “Disability and Work in Canada” is open. The Conference is organized by CCRW, ONIWG, InclusionNL, and CRWDP. It will be held in Ottawa on November 27-29, 2017. [Link to the registration page is included in the PDF version] II. At the Disability and Work in Canada conference we will be launching a book by Dustin Galer (former CRWDP post-doctoral fellow) tentatively titled “Canadian Working Stories.” Details to follow. III. Registration for the Bancroft Institute Research and Action Workshop is open. The topic of the workshop that will be held on October 3, 2017, in Toronto, is “Pre-existing or related? Workplace injury and chronic health conditions”. Keynote speakers are Becky Casey and Peri Ballantyne. [Link to the registration page is included in the PDF version] Communications Activities We continue working towards making our website a more useful resource for CRWDP members and others who are interested in our activities. I. We have added more videos of the presentations from the Bancroft Institute Research and Action Workshops. The new videos are available here: II. Work is ongoing to make all pages accessible from the home menu on the French version of the website. Thank you Marie-Ève for your help with updating it! III. Thank you to those who signed up to receive CRWDP news! 19 people signed up in May-August 2017. IV. To see your news/event in the next e-alert, submit the details to Kathy Padkapayeva at Operations Activities I. Great news to start off the fall season. SSHRC has informed us that CRWDP have successfully passed the Mid-Term Review. Hurah! II. Michelle La is the new CRWDP Provincial Coordinator for British Columbia. Michelle is a Masters of Arts (Anthropology) student at Simon Fraser University. She brings to the position training and experience in the areas of social justice (BA Honours from Simon Fraser), professional communication (UBC Certificate program) and health research (research assistant with UBC Department of Gynaecology & Obstetrics). Welcome to CRWDP, Michelle! III. CRWDP Ontario Cluster Policy Pods: Strategic cross-pod meeting of the pod researchers and student leads was held on May 4th in order to identify fruitful avenues for collaborative action and share ideas and experiences. The next Ontario Cluster cross-pod strategy meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept 28th. For more information: IV. The 7th Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Cluster meeting was held on May 16th, and the 3rd Memorial’s Disability Inclusion Group (DIG-MUN) Meeting was held at Memorial University on May 18th. For more information, contact Chrissy Vincent at V. The next CRWDP QC Cluster meeting will take place on November 15th, 2017. For more information, contact Marie-Ève at Students and New Researchers News I. Dana Howse, the new post-doctoral fellow with the NL CRWDP Cluster, is co-supervised by Barbara Neis and Katherine Lippel. Dana just completed her PhD defense and will be starting her post-doc in the coming weeks. Congratulations Dana! For the past few months, she has been working part-time with Barbara and Katherine on a related project focused on return-to-work issues within the population of highly mobile workers. II. The CRWDP Ontario Cluster welcomes two new PhD students at York University: Samadhi Severino Mora and Anum Rafiq. III. Francis Charrier attended the 5th disABILITY MUNDUS doctoral school, «PERFORMING disABILITY», linked to the 6th ALTER Annual Conference of ALTER (Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2-5, 2017). Francis made two presentations at this conference, resulting in two publications: * Charrier, F. et Boucher, N. (2017). « Reconnaissance, expertise et influence : trois concepts au cœur de la défense collective des droits dans le champ du handicap au Québec », 6e conférence annuelle d'ALTER « Handicap, Reconnaissance et « Vivre ensemble ». Diversité des pratiques et pluralité des valeurs », ALTER - Société euopéenne de recherche sur le handicap, Lausanne (Suisse), 6-7 juillet 2017. ( * Charrier, F., Boucher, N. et Provencher, Y. (2017). « Le handicap comme processus et trajectoire : comment articuler les dimensions synchroniques et diachroniques des interactions personne-environnement dans nos recherches ? », 6e conférence annuelle d'ALTER « Handicap, Reconnaissance et « Vivre ensemble ». Diversité des pratiques et pluralité des valeurs », ALTER - Société euopéenne de recherche sur le handicap, Lausanne (Suisse), 6-7 juillet 2017 ( IV. Stipend awards are listed in earlier CRWDP E-Alerts: Participants and Partners News I. Katherine Lippel has won this year’s Gold Medal at the annual Impact Awards, presented by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).  SSHRC Impact Awards highlight the highest achievements in Canada in research, research training, knowledge mobilization and outreach activities in the humanities and social sciences. Katherine, our warm congratulations on your award! II. Kathy Hawkins have been working closely with Tina Hickey to conduct an audit of the Memorial University Human Resources Department’s policies, practices, and procedures related to persons with disabilities and recruitment. Kathy hosted a two-hour session around these issues with front-line Memorial University Human Resources employees, which was very well-received, and has also provided some disability confidence training. III. A Seed Grant Report “A policy analysis of occupational stress injuries in two Atlantic Provinces” was completed by Rose Ricciardelli, Alan Hall, Daniella Simas-Medeiros and Kathleen Sitter. The research team noted: “During our research, we were able to nurture relations with existing and new community partners as we worked to become informed and gain access to different polices, collective agreements and legislation… Overall, the endeavours were fruitful and did much to expand our connections and partnered work in the community.” IV. A report from the study “Feasibility Study and Needs Assessment for a Canadian Searchable Online Resource for Workplace Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities” by Emile Tompa, Alexis Buettgen, Kathy Padkapayeva, Amin Yazdani, Joëlle Dufour, and Quenby Mahood has been posted on the website: V. Barbara Neis and Stephen Bornstein participated in OEMAC-2017 conference (St. Johns, Newfoundland, June 11-13, 2017) with the presentation “Why the Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy Matters: Reflections from Newfoundland and Labrador”. VI. Articles by Sherri Torjman were published in the Toronto Star, The Huffington Post, the Guardian, and the Winnipeg Free Press [Links to the articles are not included in the text version of E-alert]: * Sherri Torjman. It’s time to tear down the “welfare wall” for persons with disabilities. Toronto Star, July 4, 2017. * Sherri Torjman. Canada’s “welfare wall” traps people with disabilities. The Huffington Post, July 28, 2017. * Sherri Torjman: Tearing down the ‘welfare wall’. The Guardian, July 12, 2017. * Sherri Torjman. ‘Welfare wall’ hinders Canadians with disabilities. Winnipeg Free Press, July 17, 2017. VII. Steve Mantis interviewed Becky Casey for his Community Conversations TV Show at the local Thunder Bay cable channel. Becky Casey has been researching people aging with a disability and reports on disabled workers experiences. The links to the videos of the three-part interview on CRWDP website: VIII. Curtis Breslin first-authored an article published in “Disability & Rehabilitation” journal: Breslin FC, Morgan A, Jetha A, and Smith P. Examining occupational health and safety vulnerability among Canadian workers with disabilities. Disability & Rehabilitation. 2017; [epub ahead of print]. This and other publications by CRWDP members are listed in Our Library: Knowledge Mobilization Highlights I. A response to the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s request for information to Marcia Rioux regarding employment and disability rights was submitted. The submission was collaboratively drafted by Doug Waxman, Cam Crawford, Marcia Rioux, Rebecca Gewurtz and Rachael Dempsey. The submission highlighted the need to take into account the intersection of disability with other marginalized identities and the impact of dual or multiple statuses on poverty and exclusion, and the need to measure progressive realization, such that policies and programs are developed, monitored and evaluated using a rights-based approach. II. CRWDP Ontario Cluster policy pod leads also developed a concept note exploring the development of an online portal of resources on employment and income support as related to people with disabilities. Meetings were also held to explore potential funding for such an initiative. Other Opportunities I. Access Alliance has Fellowship Opportunities under Insight Scholars Initiative. Insight Scholars initiative is a mentored fellowship program to build research/scholarly opportunities and career pathways for under-represented and equity seeking groups. The opportunities include: * Young Insight Scholar. The Young Insight Scholar is a paid and mentored fellowship program for young and emerging scholars/advocates (less than 30 years old) who are passionate about using evidence/insights to mobilize policy and service level solutions geared at advancing social, economic and health equity. * Immigrant Insight Scholar (two Fellowship Opportunities). The Immigrant Insight Scholars (IIS) is a paid and mentored fellowship program for internationally educated researchers/analysts (e.g., epidemiologists, qualitative researchers, statisticians, analysts, evaluation experts) who have arrived in Canada within the last 7 years. II. Employment and Social Development Canada/Service Canada have Junior Researcher, Junior Data Analyst, and Junior Program Evaluator positions available; the application process is open from September 27 – October 19, 2017. 481 University Avenue, Suite 800 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E9 T: 416-927-2027