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CRWDP Webinar Series – Webinar #19 will be held on November 30, 2020 at 12:00 PM EST

CRWDP Webinar Series

You are invited to attend Webinar #19, as part of the CRWDP Webinar Series, taking place on Monday, November 30, 2020 at 12:00 PM EST. This webinar will be presented by Mieke Koehoorn (UBC) & Rodrigo Finkelstein (Simon Fraser University).

Mieke’s presentation will explore the work and health challenges of the pandemic, including workplace community transmission of the coronavirus, employer-paid sick leave benefits, and the ability to work from home. Rodrigo’s presentation discusses the findings of a survey on psychosocial risks and remote work carried out during the pandemic in Chile.

Mieke’s Presentation Description: The COVID-19 global pandemic has illuminated significant challenges related to work and health as part of the broader public health response.  Workers in many occupations face significant risks of becoming infected as a result of work that involves direct contact with the public and close proximity to others.  There are also many other jobs that cannot be done from home, that face under or unemployment, and that have limited work-related benefits. This presentation will explore the work and health challenges of the pandemic, including workplace community transmission of the coronavirus, employer-paid sick leave benefits, and the ability to work from home.  The presentation will also explore work and health inequities during the pandemic, related to precarious employment, immigration status, and gender.

Rodrigo’s Presentation Description:

Drawing from the Marxian psychosocial approach to physical and mental health, that focuses on democratic participation and work organization, this presentation discusses the findings of a survey on psychosocial risks and remote work carried out during the pandemic in Chile. In accordance with existing research on remote work and labour health, the findings reveal that remote work is not a psychosocial-risk-free work environment, particularly in relation to work demand and gender dynamics. When compared to men, women exhibit higher levels of psychosocial risks in the dimensions of work demand, autonomy, economic reward and social support. This article suggests that future research should consider cultural, economic and gender insights in order to make sense of remote work on its impact on labour health. 

Presenters' Bios:

Mieke Koehoorn

Mieke Koehoorn - Mieke is a Professor in occupational and environmental health in the School of Population & Public Health at the University of British Columbia.  She is also Co-Director of the Partnership for Work, Health and Safety - a research partnership between UBC and the workers’ compensation system in British Columbia. Mieke’s research focuses on the determinants of work-related injury, illness and disability; the investigation of gender and sex differences in workers’ compensation experiences; and the impact of precarious employment on work and health outcomes.



Rodrigo Finkelstein

Rodrigo Finkelstein - Rodrigo Finkelstein is a PhD candidate in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University. He is the author of Riesgos laborales: una visión cultural [Labour risks: A cultural view] (Editorial Universitaria, 2018). His research interests include the political economy of health information, discourse of health and safety, Marxism, and Marxian political economy. As a marxist scholar he has being concerned with making his academic research practical. He has taken unionized positions to advance workers’ health and safety interests. Rodrigo’s major honour: being fired for reporting work injuries and defending his fellow workers’ health and safety rights at a Worker Compensation Board.

Be prepared to learn and ask questions. We will have a Q and A session after Mieke & Rodrigo’s presentations.

Register in advance for this free webinar.


CRWDP Webinar #19

When: Monday, November 30, 2020 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Work, COVID-19 and Inequities / Remote work and Psychosocial Risks: High Demand and Gender Disparities

Presenters: Mieke Koehoorn & Rodrigo Finkelstein 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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