medicinal purposes

"Addiction in the Workplace - the Nature and Extent of the Duty to Accommodate" prepared for the May 2019 Ontario Bar Association Annual Update on Human Rights, on behalf of Hicks Morley

A look at addiction and substance abuse in the workplace, with focus areas on the recent legalization of marijuana, and the duty to accommodate principles. 

"Keep Calm and … Understanding Cannabis: What Employers in the Energy Sector Want to Know About Legalized Cannabis in the Workplace" 56:2 Alberta Law Rev 337

A brief discussion of pre-employment drug testing. Discusses the law on when a drug dependency is required to be accommodated, the justification for drug testing, and the workplace health and safety plans to support testing. It discusses when pre-employment, pre-access, random drug testing and zero tolerance policies are discriminatory. It discusses the implications of medical cannabis and recreational use. Discusses a decision where the lack of cannabis testing that could determine impairment was found to be undue hardship.