News release

[DIG-MUN] INVITATION: Moving forward together on disability and work: Atlantic dialogue, on Oct. 28, 2020

Virtual Event

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Moving Forward Together
Disability and Work in Canada (DWC) Initiative

Disability Inclusion Group - Memorial University of Newfoundland [DIG-MUN] invites you to participate in the virtual meeting “Moving forward together on disability and work: Atlantic dialogue” on October 28, 2020.

View the event flyer (PDF)

Meet virtually with persons with lived experience, employers, service providers, policy makers, researchers, and other stakeholders from Atlantic Canada. Discuss ways disability-confident and inclusive workplaces, and comprehensive supports for persons with disabilities can be realized in Atlantic Canada. Learn about the Pan Canadian Strategy for Disability and Work. Prepare for the Fall 2020 Strategy in Action—Pathways and Impacts Disability and Work Canada National Conference.

Atlantic dialogue on moving forward together: A pan Canadian strategy for disability and work

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Time: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (NST)

REGISTER NOW via EventBrite


Connection details and full agenda will follow

For more information, or if you require real-time captioning or ASL support to participate in this event, contact Amanda Butt at 


For details on Moving Forward Together: A Pan Canadian Strategy for Disability and Work, see

Disability and Work in Canada 2020: The Strategy in Action—Pathways and Impacts Virtual Conference November 25 & 26 and December 1 & 2: