Caledon Institute of Social Policy

The Caledon Institute is a social policy think tank.
Established in 1992, the Caledon Institute of Social Policy is a private, nonprofit organization with charitable status. It is supported primarily by the Maytree Foundation, located in Toronto. Caledon is an independent and critical voice that does not depend on government funding and is not affiliated with any political party. Caledon welcomes charitable donations from individuals and organizations and occasionally undertakes contract projects for governments and nongovernmental organizations on the basis that such work advances Caledon's research agenda, but does not define it.
The Caledon Institute of Social Policy does rigorous, high-quality research and analysis; seeks to inform and influence public opinion and to foster public discussion on poverty and social policy; and develops and promotes concrete, practicable proposals for the reform of social programs at all levels of government and of social benefits provided by employers and the voluntary sector. Caledon's work covers a broad range of social policy areas including income security (e.g., pensions, welfare, child benefits, Employment Insurance, benefits for Canadians with disabilities), community capacity-building, taxation, social spending, employment development services, social services, disability supports and health. While Caledon focuses on Canadian issues, it draws upon international experience and innovations in social policy. Caledon also seeks to inform social policy experts and policy makers in other countries on issues and developments in Canadian social policy.
Contact Information
CRWDP Contact:Ken Battle
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