Andrew Posen
Student Fellow (2014-15)

Andrew Posen earned his Masters in Public Health in Social and Behavioural Health Sciences at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health. He is currently a program analyst with Ontario's Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
Before entering the program in 2013, Andrew spent three years working with and on behalf of people with physical disabilities, first with the Waterloo Wellington chapter of the Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario (now Spinal Cord Injury Ontario), and later with the Independent Living Centre of Waterloo Region in Kitchener, Ontario. His key interests include addressing the underrepresentation of people with disabilities in the workforce, and promoting independent living for people of all abilities by designing accessible communities, improving public attitudes and increasing access to home-based care. Andrew conducted an policy environmental scan led by Emile Tompa in 2014/2015, and co-authored a paper for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives that will be published in 2015.